Lugarno Public School

Learning and growing together

Telephone02 9153 9843

Creating Future Focused Learners

Lugarno PS is developing:

Resilient learners

Two girls hugging each other

Students K-6 engage in regular sessions using the Bounce Back program and Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations. ‘Bounce Back’ is a program which has been developed to support teachers in their efforts to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in their students and, in particular, enable them to act resiliently when faced with challenges and adversity. ‘Bounce Back’ integrates the explicit teaching of important social and emotional skills. Our aim is to promote respectful relationships, belonging and inclusion at Lugarno PS.

All students in K-6 explore program units about core values, people bouncing back, courage, looking on the bright side, emotions, relationships, humour, anti-bullying and achieving success through effort. Students engage in regular classroom activities that include educational games, music, art, drama/role plays, literature and cooperative strategies such as discussions/class sharing and problem solving (‘Circle Time’). Many of the activities also feature critical and creative higher order thinking.

Weekly lessons which explore our whole-school Positive Behaviour for Learning Expectations ensure consistency and provide the staff, students and parents with a shared and consistent language for understanding expected behaviour.

Responsible and capable users of technology

Two students on ipad

Students have access to a wide range of technology which is embedded in teaching and learning programs. The provision of iPads in all classrooms, interactive whiteboards, connected classroom facilities, Beebots (junior robotics), the strengthening of the school’s Bring Your Own Device Policy and Google Classroom are all features of Lugarno Public School.

The school’s Library is seen as an innovative hub of learning and is well resourced with a range of quality texts and technology devices. A ‘Tech Club’ is enjoyed by students who are keen to develop their skills in coding.

The development of students’ skills to confidently and capably use technology is complemented by a commitment to ensuring that students are also safe and responsible technology users and cyber citizens.

Creative and critical thinkers

Girl alone in playground

Lugarno PS is committed to ensuring that students develop capability in creative and critical thinking. Creative and critical thinking involves students thinking deeply using skills and behaviours such as reason, logic, imagination and innovation.

Excellence in literacy and numeracy

Children playing in the yard

Our students are challenged and we strive for excellence in education.

Lugarno Public School prides itself on its exceptional literacy and numeracy programs. Our teaching practices are based on current educational theory. Staff at Lugarno PS are trained in the numeracy programs, Targeting Early Numeracy (TEN) and Taking Off With Numeracy (TOWN) which cater for individual learning needs and form a strong foundation for mathematical understanding and fluency.

In literacy, staff embed Focus on Reading pedagogy, which aims to improve students’ reading comprehension skills. Our staff also maximise achievement in English by promoting vocabulary development and effective writing skills through Dr Ann Morrice’s, ‘Language Literacy Cycle’.

Our students develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of English and Mathematics. They become confident and creative thinkers and communicators.

Gifted and talented program

children looking at each other

Our school has a committed Gifted and Talented Team that meets regularly to ensure that students who have been identified as gifted and talented are being appropriately catered for. The school also provides a number of enrichment opportunities for identified students.

Our enrichment programs explore engineering, film making skills, coding and robotics. We understand the particular learning needs of our talented and gifted students and know how to develop their potential.